Welcome to the comprehensive guide of 175 habits Pavlok can help you break. Our extensive ‘Bad Habit Directory’ is a live testament to all the habits that Pavlok has helped people overcome through lifelong habit transformation.
Some habits are undeniably detrimental – take smoking, for example, a known health risk. Others are more circumstantial, such as always being late because you overslept.
There also exists a realm of habits that fall into a neutral zone, neither being beneficial nor harmful, and these often come down to personal choice. However, one truth remains unwavering. Irrespective of the habits you wish to change, Pavlok stands by you without judgment.
⚠️ Important: If you have a condition that puts yourself or anyone else at risk, please see a medical professional immediately and ask your doctor if Pavlok is right for you. ⚡️⌚️
1. Swearing
2. Picking Your Nose
3. Smoking Cigarettes
4. Nail Biting
5. Drinking Coffee
6. Drinking Tea
7. Hair Pulling
8. Watching Reality Television
9. Eating Fast Food
10. Alcohol (if you think you may be an alcoholic, please seek professional help.)
11. Emotional Shopping
12. Spending On Credit Cards
13. Facebook
14. Instagram
15. Reddit
16. Eating Candy
17. Eating White Sugar
18. Eating Chocolate
19. Drinking Soda/Pop
20. Social Media Scrolling
21. iPhone/iPad
22. Eating Meat
23. Video Games
24. Cracking Your Knuckles
25. Speaking w/Mouth Full
26. Talking To Yourself
27. Using Slang
28. Eating Dairy
29. Eating Gluten
30. Picking Your Teeth In Public
31. Forgetting To Shave
32. Going To The Club
33. Using Your Maiden Name
34. Humming To Yourself
35. Excessive Salt
36. All Work And No Play
37. Chewing Gum
38. Vaping
39. Biting Your Pen
40. Nibbling While Cooking
41. Overspending
42. Overeating
43. Snacking
44. Hair Picking
45. Skin Picking
46. Not Holding Eye Contact
47. Interrupting Someone
48. Oversleeping
49. Skipping The Gym
50. Smoking eCigs
51. Watching Porn
52. Staying Up Late
53. Sleeping With Makeup
54. Lying
55. Overmedicating
56. Playing Kingdom Rush
57. Eating Too Fast
58. Skipping Breakfast
59. Using Sunscreen
60. Not Moisturizing
61. Not Flossing
62. Not Brushing Your Teeth
63. Using Your Phone In Bed
64. Self Criticism
65. Saying “Yes” To Everything
66. Day Dreaming
67. Procrastinating
68. Using Devices At Night
69. Too Much Time Online
70. Breaking Promises
71. Rambling
72. Vanity
73. Watching TV After Work
74. Repeating Yourself
75. Forgetting What You’ve Told Someone
76. Forgetting Names Of People You Meet
77. Giving Away “Tells” In Poker
78. Falling Asleep In Class
79. Slouching
80. Masturbating
81. Eating Past 8 p.m.
82. Fear of Trying Something New
83. Telling Secrets Or Rumors
84. Talking In Class
85. Gaming In Class
86. Online Surfing In Class
87. Losing Focus
88. Sitting Too Close To The TV
89. Eating Cookies Every Damn Day
90. Arranging Instead of Cleaning
91. Picking Fights
92. Being Unfriendly
93. Leaving Your Wallet / Keys In Random Places
94. Skipping Class
95. Skipping Work
96. Not Doing Your Homework
97. Drinking Energy Drinks
98. Pinching Pennies
99. Spitting
100. Horking
101. Licking Your Lips
102. Drinking From The Carton
103. Leaving The Fridge Open
104. Leaving The Heat On When You Go Out
105. Skipping Meals
106. YouTube
107. Not Showering
108. Yelling At Your BF/GF
109. Talking About People Behind Their Backs
110. Picking Scabs
111. Popping Zits
112. Losing Your Temper
1113. Complaining
114. Annoying People On Purpose
115. Being Overly Critical
116. Being Argumentative
117. Putting Dishes In Sink And Not Washing Them
118. Quora
119. Biting Your Lips
120. Scratching An Itch
121. Being An Attention Hog
122. Opening Countless Tabs
123. Buzz-friggin’-feed
124. Trolling Comments
125. Watching Seinfeld Reruns
126. Binge Watching Netflix
127. Emotional Eating
128. Fiddling With Your Hair
129. Poor Hygiene
130. Fiddling With Keys
131. Cheek Biting
132. Chewing On Your Hair
133. Shoplifting
134. Not Going to Bed on Time
135. Pocari Sweat from Japan (seriously, if you drink this for 2 or 3 days your body will crave it instead of water)
136. Hair Pulling
137. Scratching / Itching
138. Biting Your Disgusting Toe Nails
139. Eating When You Are Bored
140. Hoarding
141. Being A Know-It-All
142. Bragging
143. Chewing Tobacco
144. Chewing With Mouth Open
145. Being Late
146. Eavesdropping
147. Exaggerating
148. Excessive Throat Clearing
149. Fidgeting
150. Flaking Out
151. Freeloading
152. Gambling
153. Grinding Your Teeth
154. Kissing & Telling
155. Littering (really, stop littering)
156. Monopolizing A Conversation
157. Name Dropping
158. One-Upping
159. Pencil Chewing
160. Popping Gum
161. Speeding
162. Talking During Movies
163. Tapping Fingers/Pens/Etc.
164. Thumb Sucking
165. Whining
166. Paying Off Debt
167. Returning Items
168. Belching
169. Loitering
170. Bullying People
171. Copying
172. Gossiping
173. Finishing People’s Sentences
174. Leaving The Toilet Seat Up
175. Licking Your Fingers